Monday, 9 April 2012


The tentative release date for COUNTESS PERVERSE is June 12th. As always in this topsy-turvy world of constant tumult and change, MM reserves the right to postpone if necessary to get this DVD just right. But so far, so good ...

One important aspect of this release to note is that it will be the ONLY version to be have a licensed English language option (subtitles). There may be other DVDs of this film out there in the world, but this will be the only one us monolingual Americans will be able to understand.

All the attendant extra features have not yet been confirmed but one we can announce is a all-new filmed interview with actor Robert Woods, who stars in COUNTESS and a handful of other Franco films from the early-mid '70s as well as many , many spaghetti westerns. MM co-honcho Pete Tombs says that "Mr Woods was in good form and there are some fun stories about working with Franco, with whom he spent almost a year." Should be good stuff.

To warm yourself up, take a look at this online interview with Woods published a few years ago.


  1. Hopefully this film will still include it's French language with english suibtitles option, like the LORNA disc did???? Please say yes!
