Wednesday, 27 November 2013

This is the time when we give thanks for all we have ...

Or lament the things we don't have. For the past several months we've gotten a lot of questions about titles going out of print. Well, the dust has settled and the following titles are now officially OOP.

Let's have a moment of silence for:

BOLLYWOOD HORROR (all volumes)

There are varying reasons for each going out-of-print: from rights expiring to the simple costs of keeping a title in print that has been available for years and doesn't sell all that well anymore. The basic facts are that the market for niche films like these continues to contract. We will continue to release new and interesting films from all over the world, but don't be surprised if they are released in far more limited editions than previously. The moral of the story? If want a title - don't wait: purchase it as soon as you can!

Thanks for all your support over the years, and we promise there's still lots of great stuff to come!


  1. Guess my backordered copy of Living Doll I ordered a month ago from Best Buy is never going to arrive...

  2. I can only be glad that I own some of these now even-more-than-before precious titles....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. the below list i got from wiki as to what is OOP. i thought blood rose was OOP but it's not on there, is there a complete and correct list that you have, or is the small list above it? thanks

    Clonus (R1, US) (out of print)
    Crazy Love (R1, US) (out of print)
    Lady Terminator (R1, US) (out of print)
    Satan's Blood (R1, US) (out of print)
    Snake Dancer (R1, US) (out of print)
    The Deathless Devil/Tarkan Versus The Vikings (R1, US) (out of print)
    The Mansion of Madness (R1, US) (out of print)
    The Bollywood Horror Collection Volume 1:(R1, US) (out of print)
    The Bollywood Horror Collection Volume 2:(R1, US) (out of print)

    UK Releases:
    Alucarda (out of print)
    Awakening of the Beast (out of print)
    Blood of the Virgins (out of print)
    Death Walks at Midnight (out of print)
    Dr. Jekyll Versus the Werewolf (out of print)
    Mystics in Bali (out of print)
    The Nude Princess (out of print)
    The Vampire (out of print)
